Friday, January 11, 2008

Buenas Nachos-Good Night

Learning a new language is something which takes discipline and determination. Speaking a new language, however, takes a great sense of humor and the willingness to keep on talking regardless of how absurd you feel hacking away at the otherwise beautiful sounds which roll off the tongues of native speakers.Your brain rushes through object identification, translation, gender, conjugation and pronunciation only to deliver a solution package to your mouth which may or may not be correct. After a while your brow forms a permanent furrow, and your cheeks, tongue, teeth and lips all feel confused and slightly violated.

The key is to keep going and relish the humor of it all. Like realizing you said buenas nachos, instead of buenas noches. Eventually the time comes when words flow from your lips without your brain having to do the translation tango. Tasks and conversations cease to weigh heavy with the burden of not having the words because, at last, you can communicate.


Anonymous said...

this is so great. why am i just now finding this blog!?!?!? i'm a bit of a goofy goober, so I can't sort out how to subscribe. loving the art and the writing.


Tica Macha said...

Don't I know..
I went to the pharmacy for something for my "picha" bites.
She looked at me so strangely.
It's "bicha", picha is a penis.
That's one of many episodes in my five years living here.