'Enough about that now, say cheese'
Watching the statistics for my blog, it is clear that people from around the world have been reading, but simply have nothing to say. I'm certain that it is not for lack of caring about what James has exposed, but rather that it is just more crap added to the many piles of it all around. It's tempting to shut off that blatant negativity and resort to more pallatable things to focus our attention on, like summer fashion and sports matches. After all, the crap is not only surrounding us, but it is in our food, our air, our water, our schools, our doctor's offices and our beds. There are so many issues which ignite passionate, belief based reactions that the bigger problems seem too far out of reach to acknowledge, not to mention that pointing at them just seems to get folks in a whole lot of trouble.
So here I am, done with a big project and once again captain of the content of my blog. I find myself pondering how, exactly, to continue. I find it difficult to confront the many concerns of society because no matter what news we receive, it seems impossible to know for sure if we have all of the information, if it is real or not and what agenda might be behind what is fed to us. I do also notice that I get more feedback when I point out the positive, like catching flies with honey. So, for now, I choose to tuck away all of what I have learned and turn the focus of my blog back to the lighter side of things, with random observations of the world around me.
xI think it was so horrific, no one knew what to do or where to start. You were a really great friend to help tell this story all this time.
most people are afraid of this. it is easier to watch tv
Thank you for your comments. I agree with you both; this one is too big to approach.
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