With multiple active volcanoes, a precarious tectonic placement, and steep mountainsides loaded with potential to slide, the risks of living in Costa Rica are plenty. Yesterday, while relaxing at a poolside birthday party, suddenly everything started to sway. It is an odd sensation, one that comes from out of nowhere. One moment the world is as steady as always, and the next the ground is rippling about like one of those parachutes we used to play with in gym class as kids. Yesterday's temblor lasted for 10 seconds with a magnitude of 6.1 on the Richter scale.
We were lucky. The experience was, for us, simply a unique opportunity to witness the powerful force of the Earth rumbling beneath our feet. Others were not so fortunate. Browsing news reports and slideshows this morning, we learned that many have suffered the loss of family and homes. Earthquakes are no joking matter. Each time we have felt a shake we are reminded of the potential that we live with each day. From out of nowhere our lives could change dramatically.
The tendency for long periods of silence in between the "big ones" increases the likelihood to disregard the obvious hazards. In attempt to exploit cheap land, so called developers around here have built communities atop fault lines and are carving out more on the steep hillsides of landslide prone terrain. One can only hope that buyers falling in love with the views and the sales pitch will never experience the sadness of watching their homes slide down the mountain side, or worse.
Living here requires an attitude of understanding there are risks worldwide, and the willingness to keep a chin up, worst case scenario. A good amount of common sense goes a long way too. So far, the shaking and rumbling has not put us ill at ease. It certainly does instill a deep respect for the land and how we interact with it. Our thoughts go out to the many souls who are suffering from this most recent event.
1 comment:
Happy New Year.
Thank you so much for linking to ZOOZOOM. Very cool we have friends in costa.
I hope you come comment on our staff blog!
I love to have people tell us about their own cultures..
*xenia viray, zoozoom
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