Friday, April 11, 2008

Tropical Fruit

The hot, dry "summer" here in the tropics is fading away to the rain once again. With it, we bid farewell to much of the yummy fruit that seems to turn to honey under the relentless sun of the dry season. It's not to say that the rest of the year will be void of delicous fruit. During the rainy season we make do with papaya, sweet bananas, pineapple, oranges, and loads of lemons. Tropical fruit has its seasons too, even if it is warm all year long.


Tica Macha said...

That is really beautiful.

Momof2 said...

This is absolutely beautiful.. You hvae opened my eyes to a World i never knew..

Absolutely beautiful Alison..
My love to you all..
Paula xxx

Anonymous said...

I never thought there would be a difference in a place that didn't have cold winter. Then again, we're just wrapping up our first year with a CSA (in NY) and looking forward to eating something other than the root vegetables we've gotten all winter long. Being in touch with the natural world is nice and makes me more appreciative of in-season delectables.