Friday, November 28, 2008

And Now, Birds

New resident to Costa Rica, and accomplished birder, Connie Sandlin, was kind enough to offer a couple of lessons in birding to our girls, and some of the other English speaking kids in the area. PowerPoint presentation and all, Connie captured the attention of the young group and introduced them to the popular hobby. Before very long, dozens of little eyes were looking toward the tree tops, eager to find the birds behind the songs that surround us everyday. Connie was also kind enough to haul down several copies of a beautiful field guide to the birds of Costa Rica which had been graciously donated by the Texas chapter of the Audubon Society. Now each of the families has a new tool for identifying our avian neighbors. Her presentation was enjoyed by all, parents included.

Now at home, there is a new urgency to spot the birds. Our ears are tuned in a little more carefully and we are starting to connect more little songs to the actual bird singing it. The new interest has presented an opportunity to learn more about birds too. What better time to research the science behind something, than when the girls are actually interested. It is nice when people share their passions, it gets the girls excited about different things, and allows me to take advantage of an open window of curiosity. The influence from others comes up rather spontaneously, and this most recent exposure was, to say the least, very enjoyable. Thanks Connie!


Anonymous said...

We spotted a pigeon!

Anonymous said...

I'm having a blast sharing my enthusiasm with the home school group - kids and adults! I saw a new bird at my house the other day and I wanted to tell everyone about it RIGHT THEN!

My latest new bird is a Rufous-breasted Wren and I heard an owl in the wee small hours of the morning of 23 Dec.

