Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Ministry of Health Visit

Our friends in Costa Rica are currently affirming their position of not being lawfully obligated to vaccinate their children. It is easy to focus on the controversy regarding vaccinations and site research and testimonials on both sides of the debate; however, this is not about the personal and social benefits of vaccinations. The point here is a process of Law. The following video was made by our friends in Costa Rica as a summary of their encounter with the ministry of health in Puriscal, Costa Rica on June 30 2011.

It is important to note that our friends are respectful and cooperative. Our friends have published the actual videos of the event on You Tube. These videos will be published on this blog once they are subtitled. For record, here is an English translation of the actual addendum that they tried to submit so that they could sign for the receipt of the document the official, Dr. Cerdas, presented to them.
I conditionally accept receiving this document, if I can first bring this to counsel, and respond within a reasonable time of three days. My signature affirms, that the director of the ministry of health has performed his duty and presented his offer. The director affirms, that his document has been received. However, the offer, and the subject matter of the offer, require clarification of facts and law. As such, my signature only affirms receipt but in no way do I affirm, agree with or contract to perform upon the wishes of the ministry which the director represents. My signature in no way contracts me to the ministry which the director represents.

The following is the English translation of the latest Affidavit submitted to the Health Department, Ministerio de Salud:

June 30 , Dr. Cerdas accosted me at my home, insisting that I sign a document that explains that Ebais #4 says that I refused vaccinations for my children.
For the record, Ebais #4 is a building and legal artifice. Only individual men and women could make such a claim. Thus, as encouraged previously , if any of these individuals have a claim or wish to make claims regarding my performance or lack of performance according to their belief schedules, please state their names so that we can offer an immediate offer of remedy to these individuals.
For the record, we do not refuse vaccines, we simply do not find mandatory vaccines part of Gods Law. In fact to the contrary , there is prohibition to such religious (ministerial) rituals and practice of idol worship.
For the record , Dr. Cerdas REFUSED to allow us to keep a copy of their offer to treat. Dr. Cerdas and his witnesses alleged that we "refused' to accept his offer. As such we were not able to bring the offer and subject matter of the offer to counsel for proper understanding before I agree to sign and accept the conditions and subject matter of the invitation.
For the record, I did not refuse to accept the copy of the offer for the purpose of reception of an offer to treat. I conditionally accepted the offer for the purpose of examination with counsel, however, Dr. Cerdas made the executive decision that we were not 'permitted' counsel for the purpose of agreeing to the subject matter of the contract.

As such, to remain in honor and assist dr. cerdas in the performance of his duty as a public servant, I conditionally accepted the offer by underwriting the contract with the following:

- Non assumpsit contract

- all rights reserved
- without prejudice,
followed with my signature.

Dr. Cerdas REFUSED to accept my signature with these conditional acceptances and refused to allow me a copy to have without signature for the purpose of proper assesment with counsel before signing.
Dr.cerdas also implied other threats of other state ministries in order to coerce me to sign , thus comply with the subject matter of the offer.

For the record, Dr. Cerdas' facts ( as we recall) in the document were incorrect.

Dr. Cerdas did mention that he saw the Constructive Notice presented to Sra. Fernandez at the ministry of health June 29, 2011, but again misinterpreted it to suit his and the ministry's agenda when he said that “ you did not want to vaccinate” . The constructive notice specifically explained a prohibition of such medical rituals, but that we did not refuse upon the condition that the ministry can offer proof that the God of Israel requires me to take part in these medical rituals.

Dr. Cerdas REFUSED to allow us to inspect his document with counsel nor allow us the basic courtesy of a copy for our records. Instead Doctor Cerdas simply had his witnesses (driver, Rodrigo Cerdas Fernandez and policeman,Carlos Aravia Marin) sign his document to attest that I had indeed refused his invitaiton to treat.

For the record , both driver and policeman's signatures do not reflect a fact of our refusal to conditionally accept Dr. Cerdas’ invitation to treat, but attest to Dr. Cerdas claim that we refused his invitation to treat.


Anonymous said...

Agreed. Mandatory vaccines are undemocratic!

Unknown said...

Holy crap. I'm impressed with your friend's tenacity and willingness to stand their ground on this matter.

I suppose people have gotten to a point where they will sign anything that a government official puts in front of them and says "sign here."