Monday, July 11, 2011

A Visit from Dr. Bear

Though Dr. Bear assured them there was, "no problem," the clever Fox family found Dr. Bear's associates to be intimidating and his urging to sign the document from the health department, suspicious.


Unknown said...

Love it. Great representation of your friend's current situation.

I don't know much about the issues surrounding children's immunizations/ vaccinations, as I don't have any kids. Aren't children in the U.S. required to receive certain jabs to attend public school? Is it the same in CR?

Alison said...

Holly, In Costa Rica, residents under 15 are required to "receive certain jabs." What is unique with our friends' case is that they are not residents. They do not receive services from public institutions such as health clinics, schools etc. You may note that they are not trying to argue the risks or benefits of vaccines; they are simply standing their ground according to the law.