Friday, June 24, 2011


Equal to the intensity of the heat in Arizona is the brightness of the light. The radiating sun is akin to one of those heating lamps placed over pet iguanas. It seems as if it has been put directly over you and it reflects off of every surface. Needless to say, hats here help.

Some people have the gift of great style. These people would have one of those perfectly neutral straw hats with a slightly floppy wide brim. This hat would never fly away and it would pair perfectly with some stylish sun glasses. I am not one of those people. At age eleven, my daughter has already pinned me as a nerd; who I am I to contest.

My new hat is perfect proof. It was in front of me the moment I decided to look for a hat, and I bought it. It is robin egg blue and minty green, reversible. It matches nothing in my wardrobe. This hat is a larger version of a baby hat, all cotton and practical. The only thing it lacks, luckily, is an under the chin elastic strap to keep it from blowing off my head.

Stylish or not, hats are a must in Arizona. Maybe one day I'll find a cool one, but for now I'm just happy to put a little shade over me. Now, I just have to remember to put on some sun glasses. That way I can avoid looking like I'm scowling as I squint my eyes. Watch out for that mad looking lady in the baby hat. It's bright out there!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I would say several pair of prescription sunglasses are also in order. They rank right up there with the hats. And several gallons of serious sunblock.