Friday, September 24, 2010

Video Me

I was born late. I'm not talking like a couple of weeks past my due date resulting in me being cut out of the womb. I'm going way back, to the pony express. I remember my husband encouraging me to get an email address long ago. At the time I was sure I would never stoop to such an impersonal form of communication. I stuck to licking envelopes as long as I possible could, but finally surrendered to the obviously more efficient form of communication.

Since, I have sailed along the high waters of technology rather gracefully, I think. I take for granted that I am living in the sticks and most of the world is texting in place of talking. I guess I could adapt to that too. Cud u plz pass da salt? It is appalling, but I bet I could catch on. There are, however, certain aspects of this whole great marvel in how we communicate that I would probably pass on. Namely, live video feed.

I know that it is really special for aunties, including myself, to get to see darling nieces and nephews instead of just talking to them, but the thrill in seeing how much Auntie Alison has changed is one I would pass on. It's sheer vanity coming from a girl who has taken dress and go to a whole new level. I can't remember the last time I wrote a paper letter. Just yesterday I chatted it up "live" with my sister and her family. It was great. I may be a mule, but I do keep going.

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