Friday, September 17, 2010

Frog Girl

Inspiration for this blog comes in odd forms. Recently, I was browsing the great online forum, Costa Rica Living, when I came across an odd bit of information. I can't remember why, but someone shared that Poison Dart Frogs get their deadly venom from the insects they eat. As far as I know, we do not live around any poison dart frogs, but they are in Costa Rica and the random fact stuck with me.

So, I read more about it. It is suspected that the beautiful little frogs derive their toxins from the plants that the bugs they eat eat. That makes sense. After looking at some beautiful photos of these exquisite creatures and learning that some types have enough venom on them to kill ten grown men in one go, I went back to my chores. That was when my mind started to wander.

What if I ate the ants that eat the plants? Now, I don't have a mean streak or anything. I am thinking more on the lines of Frog Girl, the superheroine. Yes there could be more flattering alternatives, but none would pack such a punch. Of course, with my luck, Frog Girl would live in a laboratory somewhere. I hate bugs anyway.

1 comment:

Julie said...

do I hear the pitter patter of a new super heroine?