Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween

Spooks and fairies do not rush through the streets on October 31 in Costa Rica. While the marketable tradition is trying to edge its way into the mainstream, Halloween passes by almost without a peep, or a howl, especially here in the campo. Typically we have a little party with some other expats and their kids. I relish in the fact that we can't go out and buy the kit to be whatever it is we want to be. We are forced to use our imaginations and create the characters with what we have, give or take a trip to the fabric store. It becomes an art project and the nonnegotiable improvisation results in some pretty wild getups. I'm not at all sure that Sunny, our dog, appreciates the extra creativity this time of year, but at least the homemade ensembles slide off easier than one custom fitted to a medium sized hound.


Anonymous said...

I must say I look forward to having a less consumer-oriented Halloween, especially when it comes to the costumes. Unleashing creativity rocks.

Anonymous said...

Sonny, thank you for the sunshine. Good boy.