Open any book on Costa Rica, and you will find hundreds of pages which list countless adventures through breathtaking jungles and beaches, awe inspiring volcanoes and picturesque farmlands. Natural beauty abounds, and it is truely so diverse it would take determination and several months to see and appreciate everything this little country has to offer. Outside of the natural splendor, the charm and beauty of cities and towns is found in its people. Business centers are alive with vendors selling everything from bananas to cell phones. But take away all of the people and what is left leaves a lot to be desired for eyes seeking charm and beauty in archetecture. There is no continuity to create an overall image that would beckon a visitor to return. Earthquakes have had their hand at destroying many of the old colonial buildings. The lack of funds to restore has taken even more down. What has replaced them is quick block construction that seems to have no artistic involvement at all. These buildings are built to serve a purpose which does not include keeping a cohesive style in a neighborhood.
It's all understandable, and in some ways refreshing that people can do what they want with their properties without a council of charm critics running down an expensive check list. However, for someone like myself, who grew up where the ground never shakes, where every neighborhood has it's own distinct character, the city was always a beautiful place to be. It is hard for me to enjoy time spent in the cities and towns of Costa Rica. The faces of houses are locked behind bars, their flower gardens surrounded by razor wire. Finding charm here requires focus. It's like letting your eyes adjust to the light, if you wait and look long enough there is charm. Every once in a while, in broad daylight, I find something so precious it could be on the cover of a story book. A little house, that special shade of green, tropical plants, everything so typical, just adorable.
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