Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Obligations, Debtors and Creditors

Although we cannot find mediante recurs 2009- 01963, we can establish the intent of the law that it cites in #8111. This is a public code and it states that the vaccines are 'free and obligatory.'

Without going much further, this states it all. Vaccines are not free, the health ministry and vaccine manufacturers get paid from 55% taxes and 45% loans. So, we shall not force others to pay for our health care, as that is incongruent with the preamble of the constitution as well as articles 18, 19, 25, 28 and others.

So, how then can it be 'obligatory?' Simple: The law of obligations

As we can see, every obligatory law is a contract that must have four elements of which there is a debtor and creditor. This is commercial law and the reason it is a civil process in equity.

These are THEIR words, not mine. I did not make up the definitions found in the law of obligations. As such, we have no obligation to the state of Costa Rica to vaccinate or any other quasi contracts because, simply put, we are not debtors since A) we have not registered voluntarily and B) we have not accepted any benefits whereby a quasi contract could be created by a judge to ensure equity and prevent 'unjust gain.'

The state refuses to rebut my testimony of facts and as such, in civil law, that is dishonor and our affidavit stands as the highest truth. Remember, their best legal rebuttal was, 'we don't have to answer to you.'

We were never arguing with their force... We only attempted to find the truth as they saw it is law, but they refuse to rebut ANY of our testimony.

One might believe that if the law says you have an obligation to the law itself, that is enough to adjudicate in favor of those that want to distribute vaccination rituals. For example, we have an obligation to refrain from theft or murder. The state can impose itself upon actions such as theft or murder whether the person has a cedula/ ss# or not. But, that is because theft and murder are prohibited by the God of Israel. The adherence to the prohibitions of theft and murder are obligations to the God of Israel for which we are creditors for His promise. Any action of a government must be congruent with scriptural mandates and prohibitions as they are ordained by God in Romans 13. If indeed the code or statute is not congruent with biblical law, it must be consented to by the law of obligation. That is not my opinion, that is the opinion of the authors of the constitution and the Author of the Bible and the opinion of supreme court judges as we shall soon see in the next posts. It is perfect and logical. All law=contracts even and including scriptural law as we have been given a choice of whom to serve.

Dr. Cerdas and his ilk belong to a very jealous god called the United Nations. The United Nations is a religious body that practices pantheistic humanism. This religion has extreme ideals and theories regarding the depopulation of the earth in order to save their mother. We'll talk about that agenda later as we wish to deal with 'obligations' and the legal nature of debtors and creditor, as this is the focal point of our issue with this ministerial cult that attacked and destroyed my family.

The purpose of Dr.Cerdas' visit was an attempt to create a nexus with a contract or simply refuse the offer (dishonor them) which then a court (not of record) could attempt to adjudicate in assumpsit.

Of course, Dr. Cerdas was not up to speed with our conditional acceptance of his contract and later tried to omit his signature from the record. This is the best these people can do? Lie, cheat, coerce, threaten, omit material fact, purger court affidavits and testimony, refuse to rebut affidavits... abuse of process.

Yes, it is becoming clear, the criminal intent and inchoate actions of everybody from Christina Rubi right up to PANI attorney, Patricia Mesen Arroyo. What about Judge Carlos Manuel Sanchez Miranda? He is special, we'll deal with him later.

1 comment:

Scott McD said...

Wow. Nicely stated.

Tell me how you feel about the United Nations working to take over your 2nd amendment right as so stated in the US constitution?

The UN calls it the "Programme of Action to Prevent, Combat and Eradicate the Illicit
Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects"

Here is the pdf link: