Friday, May 27, 2011

Survival Skills

It was probably when I was six that I stored the common knowledge (among Wile E. Coyote fans)that cacti retain water and can help you survive if you are ever stranded, and facing certain death from dehydration. Over the years I have carried this and other tidbits of survival know how around with me, just in case.

Now, I am living in the desert. All around me there are assorted cacti possibly bursting with water. For the first time in my life, I have had a chance to get up close to them and contemplate their life saving potential. Looking very closely, or even from five feet away, it became obvious that my survival skills need a little brushing up.

Last I checked, I hold no machete in the mom bag. I don't think that even in a do or die scenario, my tender mitts could get past the seriously wicked thorns and break through the tough skin of a cactus. Like any good mom, who has moved her kids into the desert, I decided I should read up on Sonoran survival skills.

Turns out, most cacti are actually quite toxic and should not be relied on as a source of fluids. From what I read, your best bet is collecting condensation, or simply, never lose sight of civilization and carry your own water just like a camel. I've decided to stick with that bit about civilization.


Unknown said...

Good to know. Unfortunately, I've also learned most of my survival and first aid skills from cartoons and episodes of ER. Recently found out that walking off a cliff several feet into thin air which should act as solid ground as long as you don't look down doesn't actually work. Painful lesson #472.

Alison said...

I don't know, Holly, I think the problem is that we always end up looking down.