Friday, April 01, 2011

It's Not the End of the World

How many times have you used the expression, "It's not the end of the world?" I can guess that everyone reading this has at some point felt better about something awful because it would be worse if it was the end, of the entire world. Lots of people say the end is near. Just the other day, I had a conversation with someone dear to me who expressed that I will probably see the end in my lifetime.

Sure, the thought does not thrill me. I would rather suffer through that which is not the end, than the end. But just as I enter the dark space in my being that dreads the end of all, the part of me that could stop everything and sit petrified waiting for the actual end, I remember that literally, in my life time, my world will end. So what is there to worry about?


Unknown said...

how does that REM song go? "it's the end of the world as we know it - and i feel fine..." hmmmm.... strange you should post this today, as i had a dream last night about a nuke going off and i wasn't able to get to shelter. freaky dream.

Julie said...

I like this thought!
I also really like your moon picture - did you do that with paper?

Alison said...

Crazy dream Danica. I guess current events have our imaginations working hard. I remember that REM song, "Offer me solutions, offer me alternatives and I decline."

Julie, the moon, like so much of the other work on this blog, is digital. It would be a fun piece to do in paper though. I'm glad you like it.

Unknown said...

End of the world in my lifetime doesn't scare me so much (I feel confident that I could hold my own in the event of zombie apocalypse), but it does make me sad for the next generation. Because despite the fact that there are some real terrible things going on, the world is an incredibly beautiful and wonderous place.

Alison said...

You are SO right Holly, that is where I stumble too. I have these little girls who should enjoy the wonder of it all. I can't help but believe that the world will go on, honestly.

painting lessons said...

I like your blog!...Daniel

Alison said...

Thank you Daniel. I checked out your website too. You have beautiful work.

Anonymous said...

I always have felt like " the end of the world" means the end of how it is now. I don't think we can keep going on the path we are on but the end means a new beginning. We can destroy ourselves and maybe much of the life on planet earth but the planet will be reborn. Maybe its better off without us, or much less of us.


Alison said...

You nailed it Nicole. We are just a part of the history of this beautiful planet.