Friday, September 03, 2010

Just Drifting Around

While I do get impatient at times, overall, I really love the way life is so unpredictable. Sure, I have some basic control over it, like when I go to town, and how often I eat cheese, but the big stuff is quite beyond me. My Yoga instructor always brings tidbits of wisdom to class with her. One that struck me recently is to basically live in the present. To enjoy "now" for all it offers.

I know that the things I wonder about the future are like pieces of driftwood at the mercy of the ocean's tides. I have no idea when opportunities will come up or on what shores I will find them. I do know that I am open to anything. I will not overlook the tiniest twig and I am strong enough to take on the gnarliest branches.

Letting go of the wonder and really settling into the now is a tricky thing to do. It is looking out at the horizon without searching for what is coming in. When I look around the here and now, I see two little girls who are growing at lightning speed. They make each moment savory, and for them I will take every opportunity that drifts in.


Andrew@GoOverseas said...

Hi Alison,

I'm Andrew Dunkle and I currently serve as the senior editor of We are contacting you with regard to your blog, which the editorial staff at GO! Overseas has selected as one of the top travel related blogs in Costa Rica. As recognition of your outstanding writing skills we are delighted to include your blog in a select list of websites representing Costa Rica. We select only the most exceptional blogs that meet our exacting standards and we hope you feel a sense of pride that you have been recognized for your efforts. You may view this list on our website here:

You are welcome to display one of the image badges we have created specifically for blogs we feature in Costa Rica. This is an easy way to let your readers know that you have been recognized as an outstanding blogger. Please contact us to receive an image bade via email.

Thank you for all the high quality content you have contributed to the global online community. We look forward to continuing to follow your experiences abroad in Costa Rica. If you have questions about GO! Overseas please don't hesitate to contact us.

Warm regards,
Andrew Dunkle

Alison said...

Thank you Andrew. That is quite an honor.

Costa Rica Beach Hotel fan said...

Beautifully written Alison. Ah your blog constantly reminds me how to take one day at a time and enjoy life for what you get everyday. You can take on anything girl. And go for it! All the best to you and your family:)